Monday, January 28, 2019

Third Revisions - Shakiness

On our new editing program, Marin and I discovered that we could also solve the issue of the shakey camera. When we premiered our film to our class, there were a few students that commented on the shakiness, describing it as "distracting to the scene and actors". Clearly, after receiving this feedback, we immediately researched a way to fix it. While filming, as we did not use a handheld stabilizer, we instead devised a sort of self stabilizer. We had Marin sit in a swivel chair, holding the camera in her hands and filming, while I pulled it back as the actors walked forward. This helped erase some shakiness due to footsteps, however, not hand shakiness. We employed the use of the "Cam Stabilizer" in the iMovie toolbar to help even it out. Although there still is some shakiness, we did the best we could to erase as much as we could.

Image result for shaky camera effect imovie

Second Revisions - Audio

As we re-edited our film, we realized that some of the audio was hard to hear, also as suggested from our peers. I contacted the actors whose lines were hard to hear or unheard at all and asked to re-film the audio clips. Lily Mancini and Pipa Von Kessel, two supporting leads in my show, are both in my seventh period class so it was easier to find them for the recordings. We recorded them on my phone and I sent them to Marin's computer to be edited in over the old audio clips. However, Andrew Sapienza, a main lead in my show who plays "Graham Fitzgerald", has been absent or helping out in our seventh period theatre class, has been harder to follow up with to re-record some of his lines. To accommodate to his schedule, I asked to meet with him over a weekend and we agreed on a time to record. After getting my recording, they can be edited in to improve our films audio and overall quality.

First Revisions - Watermark

After sharing our film with the class, Marin and I realized we needed to erase the large watermark covering the front of our movie. This will require moving the film to another editing program and reediting the shots, adding music, and reedit the credits in. We chose the Apple video editing software, iMovie. While using this program, we were able update camera shots, rearrange and perfect the continuity of the film, create and find new songs to add into the film, and most importantly, not have a large watermark printed on the front of the screen. The new editing program aids the film in going smoother with new editing patterns, music, and no watermark. This is essential to our final product because it helps the audience view the whole screen and become less distracted by unrelated elements around the film.

Image result for imovie

Friday, January 25, 2019

Target Audience Research - Mother's Day

Image result for jennifer aniston aveenoTo promote her new film, Mother's Day, Jennifer Aniston became a prominent spokesperson for Aveeno Lotion. She appeared in multiple commercials, testifying for its promising results. Within the movie, she portrays a mother of two children however, she has wrinkle-less and age-less skin, perfectly colored blonde hair, and flawless makeup. Older women and mothers who watch the commercials may recognize Aniston and be more inclined to see the movie and buy the lotion, desiring to look like her. My group learned that by promoting a film through a product can be extremely effective. By connecting the product to our film, we would be successful in having more people who buy the product relate that with our film and therefore going to see it. However, though this advertisement technique is useful and effective, we would need a different product for our film as we target different audiences.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Target Audience Research - The Kissing Booth

Another popular film recently released by Netflix has also rapidly grown much success. The Kissing Booth, shortly after its release on May 18, 2016, was promoted through a video distributed by Teen Vogue on YouTube on June 25, giving enthusiastic watchers more content of the comedic cast. In the video, Compliment BattleJoey King and Joel Courtney, stars of the film The Kissing Booth, try their best to read complimentary tweets from fans without bursting out laughing. Through the video, they react from funny tweets from their fans, involving the audience and encouraging them to watch the film and send more tweets. This motivates watchers to become more involved in the film's media presence and promote the film through word of mouth and online. This film, similar to To All the Boys I've Ever Loved Before, is directed towards all audiences, however, it is most likely that younger audiences will be more inclined to watch due to relatability. Similarly, our film would try to employ similar elements into our advertisements because we are trying to appeal to the same audiences. Through social media sites such as YouTube where billions of videos are shared each day, our film would most likely receive the attention required to promote the film and sell movie tickets.

Target Audience Research - To All the Boys I've Loved Before

While planning our revisions, it is important to research advertisement tactics that other movies have employed in order to promote their film. The popular Netflix romantic comedy, To All the Boys I've Loved Before, released a promotional video including three main cast members. In the video, Kiss and Tell, Lana Condor, Noah Centineo, and Israel Broussard, blindfolded, kiss weird objects and try to guess what they are. The Netflix original film was available for streaming on August 17, 2018, and not long after, due to the major success of the film, Netflix released a video on YouTube shortly after, giving the fans more footage of the beloved film's cast. This helped create more attention for the actors and the film itself. As To All the Boys I've Loved Before is a romantic comedy much like ours, I decided that this promotional video was perfect example of raising awareness. It would be interesting to see how Marin and I would choose to incorporate similar techniques into our own film promotion. We are directing our film towards a both gender of any generation. However, we realize that for our film, as it is a teen romantic comedy, that the most realistic audience will most likely be teenagers and young adults because it will be more relatable to them. Additionally, this film can appeal to both genders as it includes an equal number of males and females.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Feedback and Corrections

While my classmates and I presented our Mid Term productions to the class, our teacher, Mr. Elsbree, had us write down some things that were good about the other's presentations, and some things they would need to improve. Once ours was shown, Marin and I were greeted with positive and negative feedback alike. Positive feedback consisted of the humor and entertainment the film conveyed, the talent of the actors, and a clear, understandable plot along with excellent editing and shots. This proved we succeeded in script writing, casting, and shooting, and post production visual effects/editing. However, we were also informed of some aspects of our film we needed to alter in order to create an improved version. Some constructive criticism included the lines of the actors getting lost or not heard, the watermark over our film, and occasionally the camera became a little shaky. We fully intend on correcting these errors, as we can re-shoot and voice over some scenes to fix the audio, transfer the movie to another editing website to erase the watermark, and re-shoot and smooth scenes out any shakiness. Receiving criticism as well as positive feedback was extremely beneficial to our process as we create the best version of a film we can make.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Use of Conventions

Our film represented a very common comedic theme that many mainstream movie use. The film is supposed to entertain and intrigue those wanting to know how this twisted love story ends. The film is intended to interest teenagers and adults alike who enjoy a good romantic comedy and could use a good laugh. The actors starring in our film are teenagers as well which can help relate the audience to the characters on the screen. In addition, the teacher character, Mrs. Headle, can appeal to an older audience, combining humor with a relating theme. The updated version of our film will help attract a better audience, due to the updated scenes, audio, and settings.

Quarter Four Final Submission