Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Creative Critical Reflection Rough Draft #4

How did you integrate technologies in this project?

Throughout the process of editing our film, we were allowed to use our teacher's camera, a Cannon DSLR, to film. This was extremely helpful as the camera was very nice and captured clear, well developed pictures and scenes. After filming, we used several editing sources in order create all the post production effects. For our first submission, we used a movie editing software program called Movavi, which was really simple and easy to use for our project, something vital to two young directors having no experience in editing whatsoever. On this program, we were able to piece together our footage, incorporate sounds and music, and add text to the beginning scenes. We added the title, "A Not So Lovely Love Story", the main two actors, the rest of the cast, and Marin and I's names within the opening credits.  However, when it came time to submit our first draft, we realized that there was a large watermark covering the middle of the film. This was ultimately distracting to the audience and caused us to change our editing program. We switched to the editing cite iMovie to erase the watermark. This meant we had to save all the footage we had shot to a flash-drive from my computer, downloading it onto Marin's computer, going through and picking out the footage used in our film, downloading it onto iMovie, piecing it together on the new cite, finding new music and sound effects, and recreating the opening credits where we chose a font that would appear fun and playful as well as colors to brighten the mood. After a later reevaluation, we also used my iPhone to record voice over audio and iMovie to edit onto the film. 

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Quarter Four Final Submission