Monday, December 10, 2018

Schedule Filming

A problem our group faces is conflicting schedules, an issue which we have worked to overcome within the past few days. Conflicts include, but are not limited to; work, SHS Christmas Gala rehearsal, after school activities, and homework. Since we will be filming some scenes with over 6 people, we decided to film right after school on a Wednesday. Our scenes are relatively short and can be filmed quickly, therefore we decided we would get it done as soon as possible. The filming will span over two days and we will film one scene a day, so costume conflicts will not be a challenge. Hopefully, all of our cast members will show up on time and prepared to begin shooting. All of our group members are ready to contribute to this film in order for Marin and I to successfully complete this project. Shown below are the scheduled filming dates.

12/13/18: 12:30pm - 1:20pm REBECCA, GRAHAM, MRS. HEADLE
12/13/18: 2:15pm - 4:00* ALL CAST
*this time is for refilming any scenes that need changes

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Scouting Locations

In order for our film to be portrayed, the setting must also be accurately represented. The school is a key factor is our film, as it provides a setting for the first scene, as well as the theater on-campus we employ in our second scene. Below are some pictures of settings we plan on using in the film.

This is where Rebecca and her friends talk about auditions similarly as Graham does with his friends outside.

This is where Mrs. Headle conducts her rehearsals. 

Cast List

As Marin and I are ready to begin filming our movie, it is essential to have a cast who will portray our characters accurately and efficiently. Mary Margaret Steber is a theater classmate of ours who is ready to play “Rebecca” in our movie. In our film, Rebecca Davids is a 16-year-old hard working student. She is the stereotypical smart and beautiful girl who is extremely invested in her academics. We chose Mary Margret Steber for this role because she is not only reliable, but also, she is funny and is a earnest student in real life. Graham Fitzgerald is a 17-year-old boy who hasn’t had to work for anything. He hates Rebecca as he sees her as a “try hard” and thinks she is constantly trying to prove she is the smartest and she is the best. Graham is the stereotypical jock boy. We chose Andrew Sapienza for this role due to his experience in the drama program and his strengths as an actor. Having had the opportunity to act closely with Andrew, we know that he plays these types of characters extremely well. His debut in the theater program was playing the school bully. Casting these two characters was easy, however, there is a kiss written in the script between these characters, and they have both stated that this may be uncomfortable for them. Nonetheless, the pair have decided that a stage kiss, where one characters places his or her thumb over the others mouth, ensuring their lips don't touch. Mrs. Headle is a supporting character in our film. She is a mid 60’s theater teacher who is extremely passionate about theater. We decided that Katie Terres was the best the choice for Mrs. Headle also due to her theater experience. In this past year, Katie played Ms. Hannigan in SHS's production of Annie. She is amazing at playing partially crazy characters as well as really diving into her roles and making them her own. As an actor myself, I have experience in acting coaching which is beneficial to my actors. The cast will also be providing their own costumes which consist of regular, everyday clothes. Mrs. Headle, however, will be wearing older-looking clothes, giving her an aging look. Overall, I trust the cast selected to represent the film accurately through acting and costuming. 
Mary Margaret Steber - "Rebecca Davids"
Andrew Sapienza - "Graham Fitzgerald"

Katie Terres - "Mrs. Headle"

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Draft Story Board

In order to understand how the film will be shot, a story board of the six most important scenes is absolutely vital to really getting a full grasp on how the film will be shot. These scenes were chosen because they carry the action in the film and represented what Marin and I are trying to create most accurately. The Establishing Shot, or shots, will give the audience context to the time and setting of the film, which is a school in present times. The Mid-Shot, portraying Rebecca and her friends, will clue the audience in on recent events in the character's lives lives; the audition, and certain character names. A similar Mid-Shot will consist of Graham and his friends. The Close-up Shot of the cast list is essential because this is the moment where Rebecca and Graham realize they are forced to act together. The Eye-Line Match Shot, where the camera is reversed and we view the children's faces as a reaction of the casting. The Over-The-Shoulder Shot introduces us to Mrs. Headle, the Drama teacher, and her attitude towards the actors behavior. The final shot, the Wide Shot, portrays Graham and Rebecca arguing for the last time before the screen cuts to black. There will be other shots included in the film that are not presented in this story board and will offer a complete story within our extract.

Draft Camera Shot List

As we develop our script, Marin and I need to develop shots that will make up our film. Below is a draft of the shot list.

Establishing shot - as the credits play, some shots around a school will be shown, portraying to the audience that the action takes place at a school.

Wide shot - the credits will continue to roll, but we will start the dialogue portion with Rebecca and her two friends in the halls. A similar shot will consist of Graham and his two friends outside at school.

Hand-Held Camera - camera follows Rebecca and Graham as they push through the crowd, displaying the chaos.

Close-up Shot and Tilt - script shown in close-up so the cast is legible and is titled from top to bottom, adding suspense.

Eye-Line Match - camera turn around so we see Rebecca and Graham's face from the scripts perspective.

Full Body Shot - Graham and Rebecca are shown fully, also giving clues to the setting: a theater.

Over the Shoulder Shot - Mrs. Headle is shown through the middle of Graham and Rebecca.

Two Shot, Close-up Shot - Graham and Rebecca are shown together in one take face to face.

Two Shot, Wide Shot - Graham and Rebecca are shown together, full body, arguing.

Cut to Black - scene ends when scene cuts their arguing off and cuts to black.

Quarter Four Final Submission